انطباق‌سنجی «استخراج رمز ارزها در بستر بلاک‌چین» با «قمار» از منظر فقه امامیه

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانش‌آموخته دکتری فقه و مبانی حقوق اسلامی، پژوهشکده امام خمینی و انقلاب اسلامی، تهران، ایران.

2 استادیار، گروه فقه و حقوق خصوصی، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه شهید مطهری، تهران، ایران.


بی‌تردید در دنیای امروز، انطباق‌سنجی پدیده‌های نوظهور در حوزه تکنولوژی با قوانین و مقررات شرعی به جهت مشخص ساختن تکلیف مردمان امری ضروری است. یکی از این رویدادهای جدید، فرایند «استخراج رمزارز» در بستر بلاک‌چین است. در بادی امر، با توجه به شباهت احتمالی آن با قمار، ضروری می‌نماید که مفهوم قمار و ویژگی‌های آن از منظر شریعت مشخص شده، آنگاه روشن شود که آیا می‌توان شرعاً ماهیت استخراج رمزارزها را قمار دانست یا خیر؟ این نوشتار ضمن بازشناسی مشخصات قمار و بررسی آراء فقهای امامیه در این زمینه، با روش توصیفی تحلیلی به این نتایج دست یافته است که وجود منافع عقلایی در استخراج رمزارزها مانع صدق «لعب» بر آن شده است. همچنین پاداش اعطاء شده در این فرایند را نمی‌توان از باب «مُراهنه» (گروگذاری) دانست و به‌تبع، وجود «بردوباخت مالی» نیز در آن منتفی است. عدم موفقیت در استخراج نیز به معنای بازنده بودن استخراج‌کننده نیست و رقابت موجود در آن به‌مانند جعاله عام بوده و «مسابقه» نامشروعی اتفاق نمی‌افتد؛ چه اینکه، قوام مسابقه به وجود رقیب به‌شرط‌شیء است، حال‌آنکه در استخراج رمزارزها وجود رقیب لابشرط است. میزان «ریسک» موجود در استخراج به اندازه عمل پرخطر قمار غیرمتعارف نبوده و ازهمین‌روی، نمی‌توان آن را «شانسی» دانست. همچنین تلاش‌هایی که برای استخراج صورت می‌گیرد، معنای «مَیسر» بودن را از آن دورتر کرده است. بر اساس یافته‌های این پژوهش، ادعای قمار بودن استخراج رمزارزها پذیرفتنی نیست. واضح است که نتایج مذکور، به معنای مشروعیت فرایند یادشده نیست، بلکه در این خصوص، چالش‌های دیگری همچون «اکل مال به باطل بودن» و «مالیت نداشتن» رمزارزها وجود دارد که اهل پژوهش را به تتبع فرامی‌خواند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Assessing the Conformity of "Cryptocurrency Mining on Blockchain" with "Gambling" [Ghomar] from the Perspective of Imamia Jurisprudence

نویسندگان [English]

  • Ahmad Mohammadi 1
  • Javad Soltani Fard 2
1 PhD in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Private Law, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

‌ ∴ Introduction ∴ ‌
In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital technology, the emergence of blockchain and cryptocurrencies has presented new challenges and questions for religious jurisprudence. Among these, the practice of cryptocurrency mining has sparked debates concerning its conformity with Islamic laws, particularly in light of similarities drawn between mining activities and gambling [Ghomar] — a concept well-defined and often condemned in Islamic teachings. This paper aims to explore the intricate dynamics of cryptocurrency mining within the framework of Imamia Jurisprudence, scrutinizing whether the practice bears the hallmarks of gambling, as traditionally understood within the Sharia. Given the profound impact of digital currencies on global financial systems and the ethical considerations they raise, this investigation seeks to elucidate the religious standings on cryptocurrency mining, thereby guiding adherents in their engagement with this modern financial phenomenon.
‌ ∴ Research Question ∴ ‌
The core inquiry of this study revolves around the assessment of cryptocurrency mining through the lens of Imamia Jurisprudence: "Does the process of cryptocurrency mining align with the characteristics of gambling as defined by Islamic law, thereby rendering it prohibited. This question seeks to unravel the ethical and religious implications of mining activities, which involve significant financial investment in competition for a potentially lucrative reward, mirroring aspects of chance and speculation akin to gambling.
‌ ∴ Research Hypothesis ∴ ‌
This paper hypothesizes that despite superficial similarities between cryptocurrency mining and gambling—such as the reliance on chance, competitive investment, and the potential for monetary gain without traditional labor—there are fundamental differences that could distinguish mining activities from gambling under Imamia Jurisprudence. These differences hinge on the intentions behind mining, the nature of effort and investment involved, and the broader economic implications of cryptocurrency within Islamic ethical frameworks. The hypothesis posits that a nuanced understanding of these factors may reveal that cryptocurrency mining does not inherently constitute gambling and thus may not be universally deemed haram within an Islamic context.
‌ ∴ Methodology & Framework, if Applicable ∴ ‌
To address the research question and test the hypothesis, this study adopts a descriptive analytical methodology, underpinned by a qualitative framework that involves the examination of primary and secondary sources within Islamic jurisprudence. The research will delve into the canonical texts, fatwas, and scholarly interpretations that define gambling from an Imamia perspective, subsequently applying these criteria to the process of cryptocurrency mining. Through comparative analysis, the study will identify the parallels and distinctions between mining and gambling, considering factors such as the element of risk, the role of skill versus chance, and the societal and economic contributions of cryptocurrency mining. This methodological approach allows for a comprehensive assessment of the subject matter, grounded in the rich tradition of Islamic legal scholarship while engaging with the contemporary implications of digital finance.
‌ ∴ Results & Discussion ∴ ‌
The research meticulously dissected the characteristics traditionally associated with gambling within Islamic jurisprudence and juxtaposed these with the intrinsic elements of cryptocurrency mining. This comparative analysis yielded several critical insights, underscoring the distinct nature of cryptocurrency mining from gambling. Key findings include:
     Rational benefit and ecosystem contribution: cryptocurrency mining was found to offer tangible benefits to the digital currency ecosystem, enhancing security and facilitating transactions. This utility and contribution render it distinct from gambling activities, which lack productive output or societal benefit.
     Nature of rewards: unlike gambling, where stakes are placed with the possibility of total loss or gain based on chance, cryptocurrency mining rewards are not predicated on the loss of another but are rewards for computational efforts contributed to the network.
     Financial risk and effort: the research clarified that the financial investment in mining does not equate to wagering since it involves expenditure towards productive work with inherent value, differentiating it from the speculative risk in gambling.
     Competition and intent: the competitive aspect of mining does not inherently signify gambling, as it lacks the direct adversarial win-lose scenario typical of gambling. Instead, mining competition is more akin to market competition, where success does not necessitate another's loss.
     Investment and loss: the argument that miners face a total loss in the absence of rewards was countered by the understanding that investments in mining infrastructure and operations constitute business expenses rather than gambles, with inherent value and potential for future gains.
     Chance versus effort: The role of chance in mining does not align with the gambling criterion of reliance on pure luck, as mining involves significant preparatory effort, investment, and an ongoing contribution to network maintenance.
     These findings collectively argue against the classification of cryptocurrency mining as gambling within the framework of Imamia Jurisprudence, highlighting the nuanced understanding required to evaluate modern financial technologies through the lens of traditional religious law.
‌ ∴ Conclusion ∴ ‌
The exhaustive investigation into the parallels between gambling characteristics and cryptocurrency mining concluded a significant divergence between the two under Imamia Jurisprudence. The research established that cryptocurrency mining does not embody the essential elements of gambling, namely, reliance on chance, direct financial wagering, and lack of productive contribution. Instead, mining is characterized by its integral role in the maintenance and security of the blockchain network, necessitating significant effort, investment, and skill.
     However, the conclusion that mining does not equate to gambling does not automatically confer legitimacy on all aspects of cryptocurrency operations within an Islamic context. The research underscores the need for further scholarly examination on other concerns related to cryptocurrency, such as the legitimacy of earnings and the intrinsic value of digital currencies.
     In essence, this study not only clarifies the position of cryptocurrency mining in relation to gambling within Imamia Jurisprudence but also opens avenues for further research into the broader ethical and economic implications of cryptocurrencies. It serves as a foundational piece for ongoing dialogue and exploration in the intersection of technology, finance, and religious ethics, emphasizing the importance of informed, nuanced scholarship in addressing contemporary issues through the lens of traditional jurisprudence.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Gambling
  • Cryptocurrency Mining
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Digital Currency
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