امکان‌سنجی فسخ شرط ضمن عقد با وجود بقای عقد

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار، گروه حقوق خصوصی و اقتصادی، دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران.

2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد حقوق خصوصی، دانشکده معارف اسلامی و حقوق، دانشگاه امام صادق علیه‌السلام، تهران، ایران.


در پژوهش حاضر، امکان‌‌سنجی فسخ شرط ضمن عقد علی‌‌رغم بقای عقد مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است؛ پرسش اصلی جستار این است که چنان‌چه از ناحیه شرط ضرری متوجه یکی از طرفین باشد، آیا او می‌‌تواند شرط ضمن عقد را فسخ نموده و عقد را باقی گذارد؟ در این صورت، اثر فسخ شرط بر سرنوشت عقد چه خواهد بود؟ در این مقاله، با روش توصیفی تحلیلی، ضمن بررسی اختلاف‌نظر فقهاء و حقوقدانان در زمینه رابطه شرط و عقد، تبیین دیدگاه مختار و واکاوی موانع احتمالی امکان فسخ شرط ضمن عقد، سرانجام این نتیجه حاصل شد که اصولاً فسخ شرط ضمن عقد با وجود بقای عقد، امکان‌پذیر است. به‌علاوه، قاعده تبعیت شرط از عقد و لزوم یکپارچگی عقد، مانع فسخ شرط ضمن عقد نیست. ره‌آورد دیگر پژوهش اینکه، در خصوص اثر فسخ شرط ضمن عقد بر قرارداد اصلی می‌‌توان چنین گفت که فسخ شرط توسط مشروط‌له، عقد را به نفع طرف دیگر متزلزل می‌‌کند، مگر فسخ شرط منسوب به رفتار مشروط‌‌علیه باشد؛ که در این صورت عقد از سوی مشروط‌‌علیه قابل فسخ نخواهد بود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Feasibility of Rescinding a Condition Embedded in a Contract While Preserving the Contract

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad Hadi Javaherkalam 1
  • Seyyed Fazel Seyyedi 2
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Private and Economic Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
2 LLM Student in Private Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Law, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

 ∴ Introduction ∴ ‌
Contracts serve as a foundational mechanism through which individuals and entities engage in transactions, ensuring that their rights and obligations are clearly defined and legally enforceable. Within various legal frameworks, contracts may be either unconditional or conditional, with the latter incorporating specific conditions that must be fulfilled for the contract to remain valid or for certain obligations to be activated. The concept of embedded conditions, known in Islamic jurisprudence as "Shart-e Zemn-e 'Aqd," plays a pivotal role in the formation and execution of contracts. The interrelationship between the contract and these embedded conditions has been the subject of extensive legal analysis, particularly within the context of Islamic law. This article delves into the issue of whether it is feasible to annul an embedded condition within a contract while preserving the underlying contract. It explores the legal ramifications of such an action, addressing both theoretical perspectives and practical implications within Islamic law.
‌ ∴ Research Question ∴ ‌
The primary research question guiding this article is whether it is legally feasible to rescind a condition embedded within a contract without nullifying the entire contract, particularly within the context of Islamic law and jurisprudence. This inquiry leads to several subsidiary questions: What is the legal status of the contract if a condition is annulled? Does the rescission of a condition automatically trigger the dissolution of the contract, or can the contract survive independently? Furthermore, under what circumstances, if any, might a party have the right to annul a condition without affecting the contract's validity? This article seeks to answer these questions by examining the conditions under which a contract and its embedded conditions can be legally separated, and the potential consequences of such an action.
‌ ∴ Research Hypothesis ∴ ‌
The hypothesis proposed in this article is that, according to Islamic jurisprudence, it is indeed possible to rescind a condition embedded within a contract while allowing the primary contract to remain intact. This hypothesis is grounded in the analysis of Islamic legal principles, which suggest that the embedded condition and the contract, although interrelated, can be treated as distinct legal entities under certain circumstances. The article posits that the mutual dependency between a contract and its conditions is not absolute and that there may be instances where the rescission of a condition does not necessitate the annulment of the contract. Specifically, the authors hypothesize that Islamic jurists, particularly those aligned with certain schools of thought, may permit the severability of a condition from the contract, thus enabling one party to annul the condition while preserving the contract's validity.
‌ ∴ Methodology & Framework, if Applicable ∴ ‌
This article employs a doctrinal research methodology, focusing on a detailed analysis of legal texts, precedents, and principles within Islamic jurisprudence. The research is primarily library-based, involving the examination of classical and contemporary legal sources that address the relationship between contracts and embedded conditions. The doctrinal approach is particularly suited to this study as it allows for a comprehensive understanding of how Islamic law conceptualizes the interplay between contracts and conditions.
     The framework of analysis is structured around three key agreements that constitute a conditional contract: the main commitment, the ancillary commitment, and the agreement regarding the dependency of the main commitment on the ancillary one. By dissecting the conditional contract into these components, the article systematically explores the legal principles governing each aspect and how they interact. This analytical framework facilitates a nuanced discussion of the barriers to rescinding a condition while preserving the contract and provides a clear structure for examining the potential outcomes of such an action.
‌ ∴ Results & Discussion ∴ ‌
The study of the feasibility of rescinding a condition embedded within a contract while preserving the contract itself, particularly within the context of Islamic jurisprudence, reveals legal dynamics that have been insufficiently addressed in existing literature. Through a meticulous analysis of Islamic jurisprudence [Fiqh], the article uncovers several key findings that contribute to the understanding of conditional contracts and the potential for separating embedded conditions from the main contractual obligations.
     Firstly, the analysis of the relationship between the contract and the embedded condition suggests that there are multiple interpretations within Islamic jurisprudence. These interpretations include viewing the condition as an integral part of the contract, as a suspended agreement, or as an independent yet related commitment. The authors ultimately favor the interpretation of the contract as conditional upon the embedded condition. This perspective is aligned with the common legal understanding of "conditioned and conditional" and emphasizes that the main contractual obligation is contingent upon the fulfillment of the ancillary condition.
     The article identifies three potential barriers to the rescission of an embedded condition: 1) considering the condition as an integral part of the contract that is subject to rescission; 2) the rule of the condition's dependence on the contract, which involves the effect of the contract's dissolution on the condition; and 3) the need to maintain the integrity of the contract or prevent its fragmentation. These barriers are crucial in determining whether it is legally feasible to rescind a condition without affecting the contract's validity.
     The discussion reveals that not all conditional contracts are created equal in terms of their susceptibility to the rescission of embedded conditions. Conditional contracts that include a condition of result or performance, which entail all three agreements (main commitment, ancillary commitment, and the dependency agreement), are subject to rescission. In contrast, contracts that include a condition of qualification, particularly when the subject of the condition is a "certain object," lack the ancillary commitment agreement, rendering the rescission of the condition irrelevant.
     Furthermore, the analysis shows that when the subject of the condition is an essential element or attribute of the main commitment, separating the condition from the contract is unreasonable. In such cases, the condition does not create a separate ancillary commitment, and its rescission would undermine the contract's integrity.
     The article also addresses the rule of the condition's dependence on the contract, which raises the question of whether the condition continues to exist if the contract is dissolved. The findings suggest that while the condition and the contract are related, they are not inseparably linked. The rescission of the condition by one party does not necessarily nullify the contract; instead, it destabilizes the contract, giving the other party the right to respond.
     The article outlines various scenarios in which the rescission of a condition might occur and the corresponding effects on the contract. These scenarios include situations where the condition is not fulfilled, becomes impossible due to external factors, or is affected by the behavior of either party or a third party. The general principle that emerges is that the rescission of the condition can lead to the destabilization of the contract, but the right to annul the contract depends on the specific circumstances and the conduct of the parties involved.
‌ ∴ Conclusion ∴ ‌
The research concludes that within Islamic jurisprudence, it is indeed possible to rescind a condition embedded within a contract while preserving the contract itself, although this possibility is contingent upon the specific nature of the condition and the contract. The key findings of the study indicate that the relationship between the condition and the contract is nuanced and multifaceted. The possibility of rescission is determined by the type of condition, the existence of ancillary commitments, and the interdependence of the contractual obligations.
     The study reached is that while the main and ancillary commitments within a conditional contract are separate yet related, their connection does not make them inseparable. The rescission of a condition does not automatically lead to the nullification of the contract, but it does destabilize the contractual relationship, giving the other party potential grounds for further legal action.
     The article suggests that Islamic statutory laws should explicitly address the consequences of rescinding a condition embedded within a contract. Specifically, it recommends that laws clarify that the rescission of a condition by one party may give the other party the right to annul the contract unless the rescission is attributable to the conduct of the party seeking to annul the contract. This recommendation aims to provide clearer legal guidance and reduce ambiguity in contractual disputes involving embedded conditions.
     This research contributes to the legal discourse on conditional contracts within Islamic law by providing a detailed analysis of the feasibility and implications of rescinding embedded conditions. It offers practical recommendations for legal reform, emphasizing the need for clearer statutory provisions to address the complexities of conditional contracts and the rights of the parties involved.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Conditional Contract
  • Condition Embedded in a Contract
  • Rescinding the Embedded Condition
  • Relationship Between Contract and Condition
  • Condition's Dependence on the Contract
  • Principle of Contract Integrity