Comparative study of the basis of product liability under Iranian, French and American legal systems

Document Type : Research Article


PHD in Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.


The production of various risky products has led to an increase in the possibility of injury to people from these products. Therefore, special systems regarding product liability have been recognized in deferent countries to protect injured people. This system has been led to “Strict Liability”. According to Iranian law, which is based on Islamic principles (Fiqh), direct and indirect damages are the basis for no-fault liability, and if the product liability concept is interpreted by Islamic principles, then no new legislation will be needed. Damage caused by the product is related to the manufacturing process and fault of the product. Therefore, it is not necessary to prove the fault of the producer or the defects of the product. If the product is not the only cause of damage, the defect must be proven. The product defect is not the only fault, but the manufacturer has also committed fraud since the consumer intended to use the intact product. So the producer is the predominant cause.


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