Peer Review Process

Flow Diagram of Article Acceptance in the 'Journal of Islamic Law Research'



Peer Review Policy


  • The Journal of Islamic Law Research (ILRJ) employs a double-blind peer review process, ensuring the anonymity of both reviewers and authors.

  • This journal utilizes the opinions of at least two peer reviewers specializing in the subject matter for the evaluation of each article. This number may increase for some articles at the discretion of the editorial board.


Peer Review Process
(2 to 6 Months)


  1. Initial Screen (1 to 3 days): Manuscripts that conform to the author guidelines and possess appropriate scientific content aligned with the journal's aims and scope undergo an initial review by the editorial board. This preliminary approval process, including the selection of reviewers, typically spans 1 to 3 days.

  2. Review (1 to 3 months): Manuscripts approved in the initial stage are reviewed by at least two experts knowledgeable in the subject matter. Based on the review outcomes, articles are categorized as follows:
    A - Articles requiring no revision
    B - Articles needing minor/major revisions according to the reviewers' feedback
    C - Rejected articles

  3. Revision(s) (15 to 45 days): Authors must address the required revisions or justify the absence of needed changes via the journal website within a maximum of 15 days from receiving the feedback. A manuscript may undergo two to three rounds of revisions before being considered acceptable by the editors. Once revisions are approved, the manuscript moves forward to the payment of admission and publication fees.

  4. Final Acceptance and Publication: After the completion of revisions based on reviewers' comments or the provision of adequate justification for no revisions, and the payment of fees, the article enters the publication queue. The author will receive a letter detailing the final acceptance and forthcoming publication of their manuscript.