The Protection of good-faith acquirer in law of Iran and French

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University

2 faculty member of Qom university


The protection of good-faith acquirer is crucial point in every legal system so that the extension of protection could have an important consequence of transaction stability and its speed. Scrutinizing Iran’s codes demonstrates that there is no coherent approach toward the protection of acquirer. In other hand, comparative study of the issue shows that we could not search for general rule to protecting good-faith acquirer, but the protection would different in each branch of law, depending on their rules and goals. Therefore, protection of good-faith person in land’s law registration considering the principle of this domain is different from civil law. Moreover, the sovereign principles of commercial and intellectual property law require a different protection of good-faith acquirer. This truth requires us to be prudent in referring to civil law as mother law on this issue and in order to find the proper rule for protecting good-faith acquirer, the purpose and goals of each branch of private law must be considered.


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