A Study of Legislative System in the Islamic Republic of Iran Based on the Political Jurisprudence with an Emphasis on the Views of Imam Khomeini



The Shi’ite political jurisprudence has a background as long as the Shi’ite’s history and except for the period of the Holy Prophet’s, Imam Ali’s and Imam Mojtaba’s governance (p.b.u.t), until the victory of the Iran’s Islamic revolution, there has been no situation to have that implemented and developed till Imam Khomeini succeeded to realize it and therefore the political jurisprudence of Shi’ite was put into practice.
Imam Khomeini, in addition to realization of Political Jurisprudence in some spheres, has also developed and expanded the Political Jurisprudence. The social and governmental views about the Jurisprudence, respecting the requirements of time and place in Jurisprudence, respecting the government’s interest, etc. are the instruments of Imam in Jurisprudence.
This article, together with explaining the legislative powers of the state, thrives to clarify the role of expediency and governmental mandates in relation to the primary and secondary ordinances from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini and other prevalent comments. It also clarifies the function of Iran’s parliament as the state legislature in relation to legislative powers of Iran’s Supreme Leader (Vali-Faqih). Meanwhile, the expanded spheres of political Jurisprudence by Imam Khomeini will also be explained.  


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